An Adventure of Destiny
A young woman dreams of whales and finds herself conscious of the entire history of the universe.
But she cannot hold it in her mind.
A strange entity in a folkloric prison cannot be touched by the most powerful military weapons.
When these two find themselves on a collision course, every person on Earth must weigh their shared destiny.
Click here to purchase Next History: The Girl Who Hacked Tomorrow for your Kindle e-reader.
From her Deepest Being…
Tharcia dreams of a secret twin, a woman closer to her than she can imagine.
Did her mom make love with a supernatural being?
Click here to purchase Next History: The Girl Who Hacked Tomorrow for your Kindle e-reader.
A Supernatural Presence?
When Tharcia crosses paths with a supernal entity, the entire world is about to push the Reset button.
Will there be a collective slide into chaos and depravity?
Will Tharcia reveal humanity’s true purpose?
Or, will nothing change at all, except for the dark fate of one luckless girl?
Click here to purchase Next History for your Kindle e-reader.