Angle of Attack Storyline

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Who’s trying to kill Cicero Clay?

Clay is a glider flight instructor and paroled convict.
Imprisoned for participating in a drug deal four years earlier, he claims to be innocent.
He’s about to point that glider straight down, just to see what will happen.
Can you believe this guy?

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OK so who’s the babe?

He called her Montana when they hung out in high school. At his weekly parole meeting Clay is chagrined to find that Montana is now his parole officer.

Montana wears a beautiful diamond necklace which she passes off as costume jewelry.

Montana’s other ex-boyfriend, Mick, is in the slam for drug running… he manages a gangsta network from inside.

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It’s his job…

… teaching students to fly gliders.

During a routine flight lesson near Hollister California, Clay’s student jumps from the tandem glider without warning.

As the glider spins toward earth, Clay must do the impossible by releasing his safety harness and crawling into the front cockpit while being thrown about like a rag doll.

Does he make it? It is theoretically possible, but you wouldn’t want to try!

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Who is this dude?

Where did he jump from? Why?

Does he make it?

Why does that matter?

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Who is the blonde?

If you must know, it’s Montana’s daughter, Tharcia.

She’s a college kid, smart, loving, serene as a mermaid.

Her mom has always kept her father’s identity secret. Tharcia intends to find him.

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Where is this?

Wade’s place, on the desert side of Altamont Pass.

Wade is Clay’s older brother, a true paranoid.

Several years earlier Wade found an unattended WWII fighter plane, and hid it here… he and Clay have been working to make it flyable.

Wade says he has a buyer.

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Diamonds and megabucks!

Some years ago in Clay’s checkered past there was a botched diamond theft.

Nobody, least of all Clay, realizes that he’s had the diamonds, the whole time he was in prison.

And where does all that loot come from? Clay has to fly 900 miles to find out, without being caught!

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Does Clay get away?

He doesn’t know how to pilot a power plane, he only flies gliders.

And the one he picked for his first solo has sixteen hundred horsepower.

Learn some insider how-to and you’ll lift this relic off a farm road late at night and head for a secret rendezvous three states away.

You will be amazed at what he finds there, and it’s better than money. Way better.

Click here to purchase Angle of Attack  print edition. Click here to purchase Angle of Attack for your Kindle e-reader. Read the full Amazon preview.